On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:04:30 +0200
Olaf Dietsche <olaf+list.orgm...@olafdietsche.de> wrote:

> Diep Pham Van <i...@favadi.com> writes:
> > I get this error: "Error in post-command-hook: (void-variable
> > org-ans1)" every time I want to use schedule or deadline. After
> > that, the error message appear with any command. After some
> > minutes, this error message disappear and I can use anny command as
> > expected.
> >
> > This problem happens with both the version ship with emacs 23.3 or
> > latest version (7.7).
> >
> > This is my .emacs config.
> >
> > http://pastebin.com/sQaTYJCR
> >
> > C-h v post-command-hook before the problem appear:
> >
> > post-command-hook is a variable defined in `C source code'.
> > Its value is
> > (linum-update-current ac-handle-post-command
> > autopair-post-command-handler t)
> >
> > Local in buffer .emacs; global value is 
> > (global-font-lock-mode-check-buffers global-linum-mode-check-buffers
> > global-auto-complete-mode-check-buffers
> > autopair-global-mode-check-buffers yas/global-mode-check-buffers
> > global-hl-line-highlight)
> Have you tried disabling or reducing these modes? One of them or a
> combination is responsible for the error you get.
> Regards, Olaf

After disable all these mode. C-h v:

post-command-hook is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is nil

  This variable is potentially risky when used as a file local variable.

Normal hook run after each command is executed.
If an unhandled error happens in running this hook,
the hook value is set to nil, since otherwise the error
might happen repeatedly and make Emacs nonfunctional.

And the problem is still appear.

PHẠM Văn Điệp

h  : http://favadi.com
e  : i...@favadi.com
e2 : favadi.a...@gmail.com
m  : +84 339 841

p  : Information system and communication technology
u  : Hanoi University of Science and Technology (PFIEV - Programme de
Formation d’Ingénieurs d’Excellence au Vietnam)

k  : h = home, e = email, e2 = second_email, m = mobile, p =
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