On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:07:57 +0200
Olaf Dietsche <olaf+list.orgm...@olafdietsche.de> wrote:

> Diep Pham Van <i...@favadi.com> writes:
> > On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:04:30 +0200
> > Olaf Dietsche <olaf+list.orgm...@olafdietsche.de> wrote:
> >
> >> Have you tried disabling or reducing these modes? One of them or a
> >> combination is responsible for the error you get.
> >> 
> >> Regards, Olaf
> >
> > Got it.
> > Disable linum-mode solve this problem.
> > Update to the latest version of linum-mode, the error is still
> > appear.
> >
> > How this can be? I think linum-mode is very popular.
> I don't know, since I don't use it myself. It could be a combination
> of linum-mode and some other.
> Regards, Olaf

So install linum-off.el solve this problem.
Anyone else use linum-mode with org-mode?


PHẠM Văn Điệp

h  : http://favadi.com
e  : i...@favadi.com
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