Derek Thomas <> writes:

> Jambunathan,
> Thanks that looks like it's exactly what I need.  I have been
> partially successful in getting the exporter running, but it stalls
> out after creating the odt file and opening it in openoffice.  Any
> tips for getting ppt or odp export up and running.  One thing I have
> noticed is if I have openoffice opent when I initialize an export, I
> get an error:

The exporter tries to delete the old .odt file before creating the new
.odt file. Since OpenOffice locks the file that it opens, there is some
sort of access violation. So it is normal to get an error.

> /home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/"macro:///BasicODConverter.Main.Convert(file:///home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/indy.odt,odp,file:///home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/indy.odp)"
> does not exist.

What surprises me is that I don't see `soffice -norestore -invisible
-headless ' part [1]. Can you show me what you see in the *Messages*

Can you check what the value of `variable
org-lparse-convert-process'. It should have something as seen below -
specifically the soffice part.

,----[ C-h v org-lparse-convert-process RET ]
| org-lparse-convert-process is a variable defined in `org-lparse.el'.
| Its value is
| ("soffice" "-norestore" "-invisible" "-headless" 
| Original value was nil
| Documentation:
| Command to convert from an Org exported format to other formats.
| During customization, the list of choices are populated from
| `org-lparse-convert-processes'.  Refer afore-mentioned variable
| for further information.
| You can customize this variable.
| [back]

> Any suggestions?  Thanks for your help, the ODT exporter is awesome!

At this moment, I am having trouble figuring what the problem could
be. Nothing like it couldn't be sorted out.

> Derek


| Creating odt file...
| Running zip -mX0 BasicODConverter.odt mimetype
| Running zip -rmTq BasicODConverter.odt .
| Created c:/Documents and Settings/kjambunathan/My Documents/My 
| Executing soffice -norestore -invisible -headless 
| Exported to c:/Documents and Settings/kjambunathan/My Documents/My 
Data/tmp-odt/BasicODConverter.odp using soffice
| Opening file c:/Documents and Settings/kjambunathan/My Documents/My 

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