>> /home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/"macro:///BasicODConverter.Main.Convert(file:///home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/indy.odt,odp,file:///home/dthomas/Dropbox/Presentations/Indy2011/indy.odp)"
>> does not exist.
> What surprises me is that I don't see `soffice -norestore -invisible
> -headless ' part [1]. Can you show me what you see in the *Messages*
> buffer?
> Can you check what the value of `variable
> org-lparse-convert-process'. It should have something as seen below -
> specifically the soffice part.

I work on a Windows machine. You seem to be using Linux. May be it is
not soffice but soffice.bin. Try creating a symlink between the two
names and see if the problem goes away. 

It is important that

M-: (executable-find "soffice") 

should report some valid path.

Jambunathan K.

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