
I've tallied up the results and we have the following (with full voting
information below [1]).

Call lines
| call | 13 |

It seems unanimous that remote code block calls should use the #+call:
syntax moving forward.

Data and result names
| (name results)   | 3 |
| name             | 2 |
| (data results)   | 2 |
| (object results) | 1 |
| data             | 1 |
| object           | 1 |

The Data and result name lines were less straightforward, but I think
the best solution which also seems to be the majority opinion will be to
allow #+name: lines to be used to name results, and in the case of
results of un-named code blocks a #+results: line will be used.

It will also be necessary to allow usage of #+tblname: for as long as
this syntax is used to name tables for Org-mode spreadsheet formulas.

Code block names
| srcname | 5 |
| name    | 4 |
| source  | 3 |
| src     | 1 |

Surprisingly (to me) srcname is the winner here, but luckily I haven't
yet voted, and although I would have though #+source: would have been
the winner I like the simplicity of using #+name: for named code blocks
as well as named data.  So I'll vote for #+name: here making it a tie,
and I'll also take tie-breaking powers upon myself giving #+name: the

I hope to put together an implementation of this change soon.

Cheers -- Eric

[1]  ** eliminate synonyms

#+tblname: code-block-names
| source  | dye       |
| srcname | dokos     |
| srcname | moe       |
| srcname | vauban    |
| srcname | wagner    |
| name    | goaziou   |
| srcname | thorsten  |
| source  | rosenfeld |
| name    | bausch    |
| source  | malone    |
| name    | moreira   |
| name    | fraga     |
| src     | krug      |

#+tblname: call-lines
| call | dye       |
| call | dokos     |
| call | moe       |
| call | vauban    |
| call | wagner    |
| call | goaziou   |
| call | thorsten  |
| call | rosenfeld |
| call | bausch    |
| call | malone    |
| call | moreira   |
| call | fraga     |
| call | krug      |

#+tblname: data-names
| object           | dye       |
| (data results)   | wagner    |
| name             | goaziou   |
| (data results)   | rosenfeld |
| (name results)   | bausch    |
| data             | malone    |
| name             | moreira   |
| (name results)   | fraga     |
| (object results) | krug      |
| (name results)   | vauban    |

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=call-lines
  (mapcar (lambda (el) (list (car el) (cdr el)))
          (reduce (lambda (acc vote)
                    (cons (cons vote (+ 1 (or (cdr (assoc vote acc)) 0)))
                          (remove-if (lambda (pair) (equal (car pair) vote)) 
                  (mapcar #'car data) :initial-value ()))

Call lines
| call | 13 |

Data and result names
| (name results)   | 3 |
| name             | 2 |
| (data results)   | 2 |
| (object results) | 1 |
| data             | 1 |
| object           | 1 |

Code block names
| srcname | 5 |
| name    | 4 |
| source  | 3 |
| src     | 1 |

Eric Schulte

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