Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Eric Schulte <> wrote:
>> Surprisingly (to me) srcname is the winner here, but luckily I haven't
>> yet voted, and although I would have though #+source: would have been
>> the winner I like the simplicity of using #+name: for named code blocks
>> as well as named data.  So I'll vote for #+name: here making it a tie,
>> and I'll also take tie-breaking powers upon myself giving #+name: the
>> win.
> This is going to cost you, Schulte! It's not going to go down that easily.
> I'll call the FTC, the FCC, the SCOTUS, the POTUS, the NYT, the BDFL, the
> NFL and the MLB: an outrage I tell you! An affront to the democratic rules
> some of us cherish! We'll fight to the death! Who's with me?

+1 #+name 


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