On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:33:31 +0100
Gustav Wikström <gustav.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Suvayu!
> I know about the normal links and the possibility to search with
> these. The thing is that I want to use an abbreviation (see sec. 4.6
> in the manual) to not have to type the path for this particular link
> every time.
> Instead of typing (1)
> [[file:/path/to/file.org::*<Heading_text>][Description]]
> I want to be able to add an abbreviation in the beginning of the file
> the link is in, with (2):
> #+LINK: foo     file:/long/path/to/file/foo.org
> and then use this abbreviation later in the text with (3):
> [[foo][Description]]

Okay now I follow you. I believe you are misunderstanding the syntax.
It should be like this (copying from my test example):

#+LINK: odir file:~/org/coding.org::

[[odir:Distributed%20analysis][Distributed analysis]]

That said I had trouble getting the search to work with org files but I
will admit I did not try hard enough.

> ,and also be able to use searches with this abbreviation. And it is
> this syntax that seems a bit cumbersome to use when adding
> headline-searching to it (requiring four ":") and does not work when
> trying to use regular search. Unless I'm doing something wrong.
> I also know that I could add the "::%s" to the link, giving (4):
> #+LINK: foo     file:/long/path/to/file/foo.org::%s
> but this makes it unusable as a simple file link without search. I
> intend to use the link in multiple places inside my document both
> with and without searches, thus I'm still wondering about this
> syntax-issue and the non-headline search.

How is it unusable? Shouldn't the following work with the above setting?


Of course I didn't have the time to test this variation, so indeed there
could be a bug. :-p

> Regards
> Gustav
> (PS. sorry for the double-mail Suvayu. )

No worries. Hope the above suggestions help.


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