2011/10/31 Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Gustav,
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 14:55:27 +0100
> Gustav Wikström <gustav.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This works when adding "::" to the end of the link. But with this
>> setting I cannot use the link as a simple file-link, eg. the following
>> does not work:
>> #+LINK: foo     file:/long/path/to/file/foo.org::
>> [[foo][Description]]
>> When trying to follow this link I get an error saying that there is
>> "no such file: /long/path/to/file/foo.org::"
> Of course that won't work! The resulting link is not a valid link
> syntax. Since you don't specify a tag, the final link looks like this:
> [[file:/path/to/file.org::]]
> which is incorrect.
> From a test the following worked nicely.
> #+LINK: odir2 file:~/org/coding.org
> [[odir2][link to file]]
> So in conclusion, if you want to use both bare file/directory links as
> well as headline/search links, you would have to define two separate
> link shortcuts.

Yes, I'm aware of this. And this is the reason of my initial question.
Should it really be necessary to specify two separate links to the
same file when I want to both link to the file directly and link it
with a search?

Thus, this works:

  #+LINK: foo     file:/long/path/to/file/foo.org
  [[foo::::*<heading search>]]

but this does not:

 #+LINK: foo     file:/long/path/to/file/foo.org

I find the use of four ":" a bit strange, but I guess this is only a
limit of my understanding a.t.m. In my view the first colon should be
stating the start of the "tag" and the rest of the string the tag
itself. This leaves three colons for the tag which in my view is one
to many. But it seems to work. And this is what I'm scratching my head

I also suspect a bug hidden somewhere, since headlines can be searched
for but not text inside the document.

Anyone got any input on this?

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