I'm trying to get org-mode to provide me with two things, but haven't
found a way to do it.

1. First, I want to be able to use it like a daily engineering or
science journal, logging notes as they occur, in pretty much linear
fashion chronologically. Or, more to the point, I want to be able to
report and look at items as they occurred, in pretty much linear
fashion chronologically. Essentially I want to be able to report on
activity by time of occurrence, not topic.

2. But second, I want to see clock tables covering a period of time,
which groups related items together regardless of when (within the
given period) they happened. Essentially I want to be able to report
on actrivity by topic, not time of occurrence.

I'm using some of Bernt Hansen's excellent setup, but it still isn't
getting me quite where I want to be.

I'll note also that the agenda's log mode doesn't really give me point
1. It simply lists the *headlines* which have a clock entry or
timestamp at a given time. I want to see my entire journal -- a la a
blog. (*Ideally* I'd like to be able to control the depth to which
that entire journal output went to, but seeing the whole shebang would
be a good start.)

Anyone have any ideas how to do this.


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