Olaf wrote:
> Maybe I misunderstand what you want to accomplish, but if you put your
> journal into a separate file (e.g. journal.org), ...

That's pretty much what I want. But if I do that I then have trouble
with getting sensible clock tables. For example, suppose I had:

*** Headline about some activity on Project A
CLOCK: [from]--[to] => duration
notes notes notes

*** Headline about some activity on Project B
CLOCK: [from]--[to] => duration
more notes notes note

*** Headline about some other activity on Project A
CLOCK: [from]--[to] => duration
yet more notes notes

Adding those as a chronological journal lets me get a report of
chronology, but it won't let me have a clock table with the times for
the two "on Project A" activities combined into one. Will it?

Of course I could shove the Project A activities under one single
higher-level headline, but that than violates the chronology side of
things (in the sense that I want to enter things into my journal in
chronological order, just as I would in a paper log book).

> You can create clock tables and select reported items by tags. So, if
> you tag your journal entries, you can create clock tables made up of a
> few entries only.

OK, that might be what I need then. I thought clock tables grouped
things by headings, not by tags. I'll have a look at the manual.


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