Hi Christian and thanks for your response.

Christian Egli <christian.e...@sbs.ch> writes:
>> I am trying to export a simple project plan from org to taskjuggler
>> through org-taskjuggler.el. I cannot get the behavour I expect and
>> need do some manual tweaks to get the taskjuggler file working. What
>> am I doing wrong?
> You're not doing anything wrong. You've hit some bugs in the taskjuggler
> exporter.
>> 1) The 'end' date specified in the ':taskjuggler_project' base is ignored and
>> the default 280d is used. Because the project duration is long this
>> throws an error. The 'start' date however seems properly picked up.
> Indeed the end date is not picked up. I remember to have tried to fix
> this once, but the problem is that the root task serves as both a
> container for the project attributes and is a task at the same time. So
> if you define the end, you'll both define the end of the project and the
> task, which might not be what you want. Can you try to increase the
> org-export-taskjuggler-default-project-duration instead?

That is an acceptable solution. I guess the minor tradeoff is that by
having a large default value which is necessary for only one project
will transfer to others as well making the taskjuggler work harder. This
is not a major issue at all, but being able to specify on a per file
basis would be convenient.

>> 2) The 'task_id' fields are not exported properly.
> The taskjuggler exporter uses the task_ids you define just for
> dependency resolution. Other than that it creates automatic ids based on
> the title of the task. The assumption is that you are not that
> interested in defining ids. What do you need them for?

Well, dependency resolution is what I was after, but as the 'precedes'
is not exported that is the major culprit. 

>> 3) The 'precedes' property is not exported at all
> Yes, this is not implemented. Could you use 'depends' instead? And
> possibly use alap scheduling?

It is not as transparent to use 'depends', as I have one milestone with
many tasks to be completed before. By using 'depends', I will (not
really) see in column view e.g. 20 tasks in the depends column. By using
'precedes', each task will be (much more) clearly mapped to the

> Hope that helps

Yes, thanks for explaining how the export handles the fields.



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