>> > Could one make the "," implicit, if the value follows the
>> >
>> > x=y
>> >
>> > style, while otherwise just concatenate the value to the one before?
>> I guess this is going too far, as Babel is untyped: what about...
>>    #+property: var   foo=2
>>    #+property: var+  5
>> Does foo become equal to 25?


#+PROPERTY: var foo=2
#+PROPERTY: var+ 5

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

: 25

>> (I know I exaggerate somehow, but just to show I guess such
>>  extensions are simply not possible without explicit types).

I think by types you mean something more like syntactic parsing?  Babel
does have three types, strings, numbers, and lists.

> You definitely have a point here - so I opt for the implicit ","

Keep in mind that the above applies to *all* Org-mode properties, not
just variables, which is why I did not want to force an assumed comma

For example,

#+PROPERTY: Disks  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#+PROPERTY: Disks+ 8 9 10 11 12 13

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

| (var . foo=25) | (Disks . 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13) |

Although in this case the 78 is certainly unexpected.  Perhaps inserting
an assumed space separator would be more intuitive?  If we were to go
that way it may be possible to allow variable specifications such as

#+PROPERTY: var foo=1 bar=2

in which case properties could be easily specified on multiple lines
using a default space separator.

If this seems like a good way to go I can try to update my previous

Thanks -- Eric

> Cheers,
> Rainer
> But, if not equal to 25, what would be expected?  An error, ...?
>> Best regards,
>>  Seb
>> --
>> Sebastien Vauban

Eric Schulte

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