Andreas Leha <> writes:

> would this noweb-based approach work for you:
> #+name: inner_test
> #+begin_src R
>   4 + 4
> #+end_src
> #+name: test
> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes
>   \begin{equation}
>     <<inner_test()>>
>   \end{equation}
> #+end_src

Yes, that works.  Thanks for your thoughts on this, Andreas.

I am just thinking of another benefit:  Is it correct that I can use
caching with this approach?  So that the call to <<inner_test()>> does
not evaluate the `inner_test' block but instead takes its results
directly from the cached `#+results[6099...]: inner_test' block?  This
would be speedier than src_R usage...

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