Andreas Leha <> writes:

> yes, that should work.  Try to export the following several times.  The
> first number should not change.
> (note: maybe you'd have to execute the inner_test_cached once on your
> system)
> #+name: inner_test_cached
> #+begin_src R :cache yes :exports none
>   rnorm(1)
> #+end_src
> #+results[dbeb7280be41fdc949815808cf601a6d01a400bb]: inner_test_cached
> : 1.12399967834262
> #+name: inner_test_not_cached
> #+begin_src R :exports none
>   rnorm(1)
> #+end_src
> #+results: inner_test_not_cached
> : -0.562660468468834
> #+name: test
> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes
>   \begin{equation}
>     <<inner_test_cached()>>
>     !=
>     <<inner_test_not_cached()>>
>   \end{equation}
> #+end_src

Thanks for the testing code.  Having R and LaTeX inside org this way is
just pure fun.


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