Eric Schulte <> writes:
> It will be up to the authors of individual tests to remove tangled and
> exported files.  Ideally we can patch each test to clean up after
> itself.  Perhaps we should provide a test macro which accepts a list of
> file names and optionally removes them if the test exists successfully.
> e.g.,
> (org-test-with-cleanup '("exported.html" "" etc...)
>   ...test body...)

Currently those files would have inpredictable names AFAICS, which would
defeat that purpose.  I'm not sure where to do this, but it occurs to me
that it would be easier if those files only had a unique prefix that
didn't change for each invocation of the test suite (a timestamp would
be OK, so it is easier to see which files you're looking at).  If the
files always had the same name, you would have to make sure that there
was no collision, either with existing files or results from earlier
tests, so that would be no good.  If it is easier to always have the
same names for the files, one could just make the test directory name
unique.  I think it is useful for debugging to be able to keep a few
generation of tests around.

> Even if the above is implemented this sounds like a good safeguard.

Safeguards are in place in my Makefile fork.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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