Eric Schulte <> writes:
> I should have been more clear.  I'm thinking that this would be a macro
> used /within/ unit tests so that testers could specify what files will
> be created (test writers should be able to predict the file names
> created by their tests) and then the macro will handle cleanup.

I'm sitting on the fence with this.  Running the tests from the Makefile
it would probably be more difficult to ensure that one could keep the
files when the tests were trying to clean up after themselves (as some
option would need to be injected into the test invocation and/or a
different test command would need to be called).

> I do like the idea of a single directory in which all output files may
> be collected.  The only potential downside I see for this is that files
> will be generated both from within org files in the testing/examples
> directory as well as temporary files.

The temporary files could be in a sub-directory... or each test (group)
could have their own sub-directory.  Whatever the organisation, there
should be a single directory which, if recursively removed, gets rid of
all files created by the test run.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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