
Thanks to Bastien and Thorsten for advancing this opportunity.  I think
this could be a good chance for the community to collect and prioritize
some of our more ambitious development goals, and to widen the pool of
users who are familiar with the Org-mode internals -- a wonderful
journey to take through some of the most hackable code I've ever had the
pleasure of working on [1].

If there is any interest in working on the Babel (source code) elements
of Org-mode I would be happy to serve as a mentor.  Some ideas that come
to mind include;
- implementing a multi-programming-language "notebook" like console
  interface build on top of Org-mode and Babel (with both Emacs and
  HTML interfaces)
- adding support for asynchronous code block execution
- adding support for piping results between code blocks allowing many
  blocks to run concurrently (probably best combined with asynchronous
- adding support for handling output written to STDERR

I'm sure there are many more exciting things to be done, the above are
just those that come to mind at the moment.


Bastien <b...@altern.org> writes:

> Dear all,
> Thorsten wrote a page about the Google Summer of Code on Worg:
>   http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/
> He described his own project on the "ideas" page:
>   http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/orgmode-gsoc2012-ideas.html
> (See "Real webprogramming with Org Mode and PicoLisp".)
> If you are a student and want to submit an Org-mode project for the 
> GSoC 2012, please reply in this thread - we will give directions on
> how to edit the Worg page.  When you have the first draft for your
> project, you'll then have to find a mentor for it, which I guess 
> will also happen by discussing it in this list.
> The timeline for applications is here:
>   http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
>   Organization (GNU) should register *before March 9th*.
>   Students should register before *April 6th*.
> Org-mode related projects are likely to be presented under the GNU
> umbrella, but we are still waiting to know if GNU will apply as an
> Organization this year.
> Let's make this happen!  And thanks to Thorsten who paved the way
> for _any_ project, not only his own.

[1]  I can't count the number of times I've sat down to implement
     something thinking I had hours of work ahead of me, only to find
     that thanks to well placed hooks, and thoughtfully created and
     exposed variables the task was trivial.

Eric Schulte

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