Here are some ideas, which are maybe more from a user point of view.

* Tables (babel)

I would love to see work on making table work easy for non-programers;
that is perhaps making babel 'easier' to use for common task.

For text table I often have tasks that should be applied to say
every other row.  Recently, for example I needed to apply
\multiolumn{1}{l}{\1} to every cell of every other row.

The latex function of Hmisc and xtable does a nice job of making
'programable' changes tables easy.

* Knitr-like (babel + org)

There is a new package Knitr, a Sweave replacement.  It does a nice work
of working perfectly out of the box.  For example inline-number
expressions are formatted to a limited number of sign, it is very easy
to use tikz-device (for R), which ensures consistent fonts.  Code-blocks
are automatically nicely formatted etc.

I would be interesting if Org could be made more dwim in this manner
(for many languages).

* Better item handling

At the moment it is hard to change lists.  Often I need inline items
and interrupted  list.  This is hard to do with Org at the moment.


Enought with the bla bla!

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