> On the Org side, when a link like [[something]] or [[something][text]]
> is encountered in a buffer, the search would go on like this:
>   1. Search any "<<something>>" or "#+target: something"[1].

>     1. A link to an invisible target will be replaced with _nothing_
>        (that's the point of being invisible).

What led you to come up with this interpretation? [3].    

A target *reference* will *always* export and create a clickable link
irrespective how the target is *defined*.

Read on...

> [1] This is the replacement for invisible targets, since they cannot
> live in comments anymore.

I think there is an element of confusion about what invisible target is.
After some digging, I realize that they were originally called as
invisible anchors.  

The manual [1] has the following note:

|    * Matt Lundin has proposed last-row references for table formulas
|      and named invisible anchors.

The original post [2] from Matt says
| # <<radiotarget>>
| should become
| <a name="radiotarget"></a>

Now the question is what is invisible? The "description" in <a ...> </a>
becomes invisible.  

Why was the term invisible chosen in the first place.  For this one has
to look at the the "default" behaviour for targets which is to export
with *both* the anchor name and anchor description.  

So, I think a correction is in order.


[1] (info "(org) History and Acknowledgments")
[2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2008-11/msg00327.html
[3] If I export the following unit test snippet, the produced output
from LaTeX/PDF has *just* "Paragraph" and nothing else.

| Paragraph.
| #+TARGET: Test
| [[Test]]

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