
I'm trying to plot the following table, but the dates part is all wrong. Is 
there a way to tell gnuplot what the date format is?

#+tblname: data-table
| Date             |     HP |     HC |
| [2011-08-20 Sat] | 006815 | 008399 |
| [2011-08-29 Mon] | 006840 | 008438 |
| [2011-09-11 Sun] | 006946 | 008552 |
| [2011-12-11 Sun] | 007805 | 009603 |
| [2012-03-04 Sun] | 008800 | 010826 |
| [2012-03-11 Sun] | 008876 | 010930 |
| [2012-03-25 Sun] | 009015 | 011121 |

#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=data-table

set title "Consommation Électrique"
set size ratio square

set xlabel "Date"

set yrange [6800:9100]
set ylabel "HP"
set ytics nomirror

set y2range [8000:12000]
set y2label "HC"
set y2tics nomirror

set style data points
plot data using 1:2 axis x1y1 title 'HP', \
     data using 1:3 axis x1y2 title 'HC'



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