On 26/03/12 18:06, Karl Voit wrote:
* Alan Schmitt<alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> wrote:
On 26 mars 2012, at 17:48, Karl Voit wrote:
Can you please post the while working example (or correct my error)?
Change this
set timefmt "[%Y-%m-%d %a]"
to this
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
I also don't specify the range.
set xrange ["[2011-08-01 foo]":"[2012-04-01 bar]"]
I now understand and it works :-)
Haivng played with gnuplot recently, I would suggest that your first
statement should always be "reset". Otherwise you may find settings you
have been trying out persist over different runs of your babel code.
This can be very confusing and may lead to premature hair loss.