Motivated by the side note by Nicolas in, I tried
the example at the end of this message, which requires
org-special-blocks.el. It exports nicely to LaTeX->PDF with the new
exporter (not so much with the old), so thanks!

I wonder what I would need to add to make it export nicely to HTML with
either the old or the new exporter. The old exporter inserts the labels
with the text of the theorems, and the new inserts stuff like
\begin{theorem} .. \end{theorem} with the text of the theorems.

Now, the org-special-blocks documentation says:

  When #+begin_foo is encountered by the html exporter, a div
  with class foo is inserted into the HTML file.  It is up to the
  user to add this class to his or her stylesheet if this div is to
  mean anything.

I have used

#+STYLE: <style>.theorem {}
#+STYLE: .theorem:before {content: "Theorem: "; font-weight: bold}</style>

but if somebody with actual HTML knowledge could suggest something
prettier I would appreciate it.

Best regards,

#+begin_src org
#+title: Theorems in org-mode

#+latex_header: \usepackage{amsthm}
#+latex_header: \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
#+latex_header: \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}

#+options: ^:nil

* Some theory

A /right triangle/ is a triangle with a right angle.

We have that $a^2+b^2=c^2$.

This is an equation:


* Some references

Theorem [[thm-1]] deals with triangles as in Definition [[def-1]], and
satisfies equation ([[eq-1]]).

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