> From: Rafael <rvf0...@gmail.com>
>To: org-mode list <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> 
>Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 5:05 PM
>Subject: [O] Theorems in org-mode?
>Motivated by the side note by Nicolas in
>http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg55225.html, I tried
>the example at the end of this message, which requires
>org-special-blocks.el. It exports nicely to LaTeX->PDF with the new
>exporter (not so much with the old), so thanks!
>I wonder what I would need to add to make it export nicely to HTML with
>either the old or the new exporter. The old exporter inserts the labels
>with the text of the theorems, and the new inserts stuff like
>\begin{theorem} .. \end{theorem} with the text of the theorems.
>Now, the org-special-blocks documentation says:
>  When #+begin_foo is encountered by the html exporter, a div
>  with class foo is inserted into the HTML file.  It is up to the
>  user to add this class to his or her stylesheet if this div is to
>  mean anything.
>I have used
>#+STYLE: <style>.theorem {}
>#+STYLE: .theorem:before {content: "Theorem: "; font-weight: bold}</style>
>but if somebody with actual HTML knowledge could suggest something
>prettier I would appreciate it.

FWIW, I've played with this a bit recently.  The example below makes an HTML 
document with "Pay attention to this text" in large, red, indented font.

I prefer to put the CSS in a separate file, but I think it's straightforward to 
include the equivalent statements directly in the Org file.

-- Mike

#+STYLE:    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./special-block.css" />

* test


Pay attention to this text!


###### Contents of special-block.css follow

# {
# font-size: 40px;
# text-indent: 50px;
# color: red;
# }

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