On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:00 AM,  <julia.jacob...@arcor.de> wrote:
> Hello everybody out there using Org-mode,
> Some time ago, Eric Fraga had posted a script for generating Gantt charts 
> directly out of Org-mode which is very helpful.
> Some project management software allows to follow the progress of tasks by 
> staining a proportional part of the rectangle for a certain task in relation 
> to its completion percentage in green and the rest in red.
> This allows easier evaluation of a project's current status.
> I added this feature to Eric Fraga's code and would like to post it here for 
> discussion. It would be great if it could be somehow added to Org-mode.

I can't seem to get this to compile. I assumed I was to C-c C-c on the
elisp source block, which appears to have run, though this is in
*Messages* buffer:

executing Emacs-Lisp code block...

(table (quote (("" "type" "label" "activity" "depends" "start"
"duration" "end" "align" "progress") hline (1 "date" "Start" "" "" 0
"" 0 "" "") (2 "task" 1.1 "Lit        survey" "" 0 2 2 "right" 75) (3
"task" 1.2 "experiments" "" 2 6 8 "" 40) (4 "milestone" "M1" "data
collected" 3 8 "" 8 "" "") (5 "task" 1.3 "Report" 3 8 6 14 "" 30) (6
"date" "6 weeks" "" "" 14 "" 14 "" "") (7 "milestone" "M2" "Release" 5
14 "" 14 "" "") hline (8 "task" 2.1 "Discuss" 5 14 1 15 "left" 90) (9
"task" 2.2 "Correct mistakes" 8 15 1 16 "left" 10) (10 "task" 2.3 "Add
feedback" 5 14 2 16 "left" 50) (11 "date" "End" "" "" 16 "" 16 "" "")

Initial: (( type label activity depends start duration end align
progress) hline (1 date Start   0  0  ) (2 task 1.1 Lit        survey
0 2 2 right 75) (3 task 1.2 experiments  2 6 8  40) (4 milestone M1
data collected 3 8  8  ) (5 task 1.3 Report 3 8 6 14  30) (6 date 6
weeks   14  14  ) (7 milestone M2 Release 5 14  14  ) hline (8 task
2.1 Discuss 5 14 1 15 left 90) (9 task 2.2 Correct mistakes 8 15 1 16
left 10) (10 task 2.3 Add feedback 5 14 2 16 left 50) (11 date End
16  16  ) hline)

Entries: ((1 date Start   0  0  ) (2 task 1.1 Lit        survey  0 2 2
right 75) (3 task 1.2 experiments  2 6 8  40) (4 milestone M1 data
collected 3 8  8  ) (5 task 1.3 Report 3 8 6 14  30) (6 date 6 weeks
14  14  ) (7 milestone M2 Release 5 14  14  ) hline (8 task 2.1
Discuss 5 14 1 15 left 90) (9 task 2.2 Correct mistakes 8 15 1 16 left
10) (10 task 2.3 Add feedback 5 14 2 16 left 50) (11 date End   16  16
 ) hline)

Ignoring non-list entry hline

Ignoring non-list entry hline

Code block evaluation complete.

Then I used export to PDF via the normal method =C-d p= but just get a
blank PDF with a title, your name, and first section, "Time line."

I checked and do have emacs-lisp enabled in my babel section.



> Thank you for making Org-mode such a good piece of software,
> Julia

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