On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:49 AM,  <julia.jacob...@arcor.de> wrote:
>> I can't seem to get this to compile. I assumed I was to C-c C-c on the
>> elisp source block, which appears to have run, though this is in
>> *Messages* buffer:
>> ----------
>> executing Emacs-Lisp code block...
>> (table (quote (("" "type" "label" "activity" "depends" "start"
>> "duration" "end" "align" "progress") hline (1 "date" "Start" "" "" 0
>> "" 0 "" "") (2 "task" 1.1 "Lit        survey" "" 0 2 2 "right" 75) (3
>> "task" 1.2 "experiments" "" 2 6 8 "" 40) (4 "milestone" "M1" "data
>> collected" 3 8 "" 8 "" "") (5 "task" 1.3 "Report" 3 8 6 14 "" 30) (6
>> "date" "6 weeks" "" "" 14 "" 14 "" "") (7 "milestone" "M2" "Release" 5
>> 14 "" 14 "" "") hline (8 "task" 2.1 "Discuss" 5 14 1 15 "left" 90) (9
>> "task" 2.2 "Correct mistakes" 8 15 1 16 "left" 10) (10 "task" 2.3 "Add
>> feedback" 5 14 2 16 "left" 50) (11 "date" "End" "" "" 16 "" 16 "" "")
>> hline)))
>> Initial: (( type label activity depends start duration end align
>> progress) hline (1 date Start   0  0  ) (2 task 1.1 Lit        survey
>> 0 2 2 right 75) (3 task 1.2 experiments  2 6 8  40) (4 milestone M1
>> data collected 3 8  8  ) (5 task 1.3 Report 3 8 6 14  30) (6 date 6
>> weeks   14  14  ) (7 milestone M2 Release 5 14  14  ) hline (8 task
>> 2.1 Discuss 5 14 1 15 left 90) (9 task 2.2 Correct mistakes 8 15 1 16
>> left 10) (10 task 2.3 Add feedback 5 14 2 16 left 50) (11 date End
>> 16  16  ) hline)
>> Entries: ((1 date Start   0  0  ) (2 task 1.1 Lit        survey  0 2 2
>> right 75) (3 task 1.2 experiments  2 6 8  40) (4 milestone M1 data
>> collected 3 8  8  ) (5 task 1.3 Report 3 8 6 14  30) (6 date 6 weeks
>> 14  14  ) (7 milestone M2 Release 5 14  14  ) hline (8 task 2.1
>> Discuss 5 14 1 15 left 90) (9 task 2.2 Correct mistakes 8 15 1 16 left
>> 10) (10 task 2.3 Add feedback 5 14 2 16 left 50) (11 date End   16  16
>>  ) hline)
>> Ignoring non-list entry hline
>> Ignoring non-list entry hline
>> Code block evaluation complete.
>> ----------
>> Then I used export to PDF via the normal method =C-d p= but just get a
>> blank PDF with a title, your name, and first section, "Time line."
>> I checked and do have emacs-lisp enabled in my babel section.
>> Suggestions?
>> John
> Hello John,
> Thanks for your answer. The key-combination C-c C-c unfortunately creates the 
> new additional block of code surrounded by the lines
> #+begin_latex
>  Here's the created LaTeX code
> #+end_latex
> right after the lisp function.
> This code block has to be moved just before the line beginning with
> #+   \\draw...
> to get the order right again.

Yup. That worked. I missed that results block (though I wouldn't have
known where to put it anyway :) )

> I tried to include the results of the evaluation of the lisp function there 
> by placing
> #+RESULTS: elispgantt
> there (because there's a line saying #+source: elispgantt), but for unknown 
> reasons,
> the results of code evaluation are always placed just after the elispgantt 
> function.
> Any help to fix that is appreciated.

Really like it! There's got to be a way to put code block results
where one wants. Kind like radio tables or something. I'm also sure
one could figure out how to use only start and one of duration/end.
It's definitely nice for just generating a quick and pleasing gantt

Thanks for sharing!

> Hopefully you can now compile my example,
> Julia

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