Giovanni Ridolfi <giovanni.ridolfi <at>> writes:
> that does not work.  )-:

Instead of doing what is said in the document you keep inventing your own
invocations.  Why not simply follow the instructions?  Hint: "org" is not the
same as "..", so substituting one for the other isn't going to work.  You have
to cd into the directory where org is installed (just like you would have to if
you were to run make), I'll make this more explicit.  So for the apparent
location of org from your last post you'd do:

c:\Users\me> cd org
c:\Users\me\org> c:\users\me\programs\emacs\bin\emacs.exe -Q -L lisp -l

Since you are obviously not comfortable working at a shell prompt, why not use
Emacs-24 und install org from ELPA?


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