On 17 July 2012 16:53, Rian Murphy <rianmur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Giovanni Ridolfi <giovanni.ridolfi <at> yahoo.it> writes:
> ...
>> > I'd prefer to use capture on my Ubuntu installation. I searched the gmane
>> > archives and didn't find any clues.
>> Pelase, do
>> M-x emacs-version
>> and
>> M-x org-version
>> in both systems; then if version is < than 6.36, you should not have
> capture, but only remember
>> [[info:org#Capture]]
> ...
> Giovanni,
> Thank you very much for your quick reply.
> Sure enough, I had version 6.21b of org on my Ubuntu installation.
> Per your advice, I tried upgrading to Emacs 24. Apparently, 24 isn't
> readily available for Ubuntu, but I got Damien Cassou's latest snapshot
> following the instrucitons
> in http://www.mikeyboldt.com/2011/11/30/install-emacs-24-in-ubuntu/.
> It upgraded Emacs to and org to 6.30c.
> I guess I will have to live with 'remember' for a while.
> But thanks a lot for your help.  R.M.

Upgrading org is easy and there are instructions in the FAQ,


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