On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Rian Murphy <rianmur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Christopher Witte <chris <at> witte.net.au> writes:
>> On 17 July 2012 16:53, Rian Murphy <rianmurphy <at> yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Giovanni Ridolfi <giovanni.ridolfi <at> yahoo.it> writes:
>> > ...
>> >> > I'd prefer to use capture on my Ubuntu installation. I searched the 
>> >> > gmane
>> >> > archives and didn't find any clues.
>> >>
> ...
>> Upgrading org is easy and there are instructions in the FAQ,
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#updating-org
>> Chris.
> Chris, thanks for your help. I should have looked in the org-mode
> FAQ to start with -- I apologize.
> Oddly, however, when I do a 'git pull' and a 'make up2', then restart
> emacs, 'org-version' still tells me I have version 6.30c.
> 'emacs-version' still says
> Maybe it's a Ubuntu thing....       Thanks again, R.M.

I've not used `make up2`, so I can't comment on how that's working. It
might help if you clearly listed the specific steps you used to get
orgmode from git. My process, for example, is:

- cd ~/.elisp
- git clone http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git org.git
- cd org.git
- make clean && make && make doc

I don't `make install`. You'll need to tell emacs where to run org
from via your .emacs. Mine has this line:

| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/lisp")

Lastly, someone suggested I run this when I was having trouble getting
org setup on my Mac with an out of date version despite having done
the git thing:

| M-x locate-library <RET> org <RET>

This will show you what path emacs *thinks* org is at, despite where
you think it *should* be looking.

ETA: I see some other emails came in. And yes, per Nick, make sure you
set the load path *before* requiring org! I made that mistake once --
quite frustrating :)

Good luck!


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