Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Didn't mean to start any kind of flame.

You did not. I didn't mean to either but my comment could be taken as
inflammatory, hence my apology.

> @Nick: I'm not a designer, more of a hybrid coder with some design
> foundations, but I'm definitely willing to help. I don't like the
> current layout because of it's overuse of shadows and its "web1"-style
> layout. Also, typography could use some improvement, and we could also
> use a better screenshot, to give a better first impression. 

Neither am I: I generally am happy when I can get to the information I
need - I don't care how the page looks but I realize I'm very much in
the minority here. FWIW, I'm happy with the website as it is.

Perhaps a useful distinction is between content and appearance (the
latter to be taken care of by CSS mostly). The shadows and typography
are appearance only - the screenshot is more content-like (and btw,
there are multiple screenshots so you can reload the page and get
another view of org's capabilities - there is no visible indication of
that however). 

Another goal should be ease of maintenance of the website: I'm sure
neither Bastien nor Jason have infinite time to tweak things.


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