Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:
>> Bastien,
>> I can't clone the orgweb repo:
>> git clone git://
>> Cloning into 'orgweb'...
>> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
>> Is the server is down?
> I can't get to it either, but I am behind a firewall and have had
> problems with the socks proxy I usually use. After I switched proxies,
> I *was* able to do a git pull on the emacs repository though, so I
> suspect the fault is at's end.
> was recently moved to a new machine, so you will have to
update any tools which check MAC addresses for things like man in the
middle attacks.  I did have to update my ~/.ssh/known_hosts this morning
to remove the old key.

I've since been using the git repo on the orgmode server without

Hope this helps,

Eric Schulte

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