Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

Hi Marcelo,

> This is a subject that should be explored more. I see a lot of
> potential in having CLI .el scripts (i.e taking the emacs GUI out of
> the equation).

I once asked a related question on stackoverflow, and recieved this
answer that shows how to 
- become more independent of the location of the emacs executable
- pass more than one argument on the shebang line
at the same time: 

|      Many unix variants only allow a single argument to the program on      
|      the shebang line. Sad, but true. If you use #!/usr/bin/env emacs so    
|      as not to depend on the location of the emacs executable, you can't    
|      pass an argument at all.                                               
|      Chaining scripts is a possibility on some systems, but that too is     
|      not supported everywhere.                                              
|      You can go the time-honored route of writing a script that is both     
|      a shell script and an Emacs Lisp script (like Perl's if                
|      $running_under_some_shell, for example). It sure looks hackish, but    
|      it works.                                                              
|      Elisp comments begin with ;, which in the shell separates two          
| up   commands. So we can use a ; followed by a shell instruction to         
| vote switch over to Emacs, with the actual Lisp code beginning on the       
| 21   next line. Shells don't like an empty command though, so we need to    
| down find something that both the shell and Emacs treat as a no-op, so      
| vote put before the ;. The shell no-op command is :; you can write it       
|      ":" as far as the shell is concerned, and Emacs parses that as a       
|      constant at top level which is also a no-op.                           
|      #! /bin/sh                                                             
|      ":"; exec emacs --no-site-file --script "$0" -- "$@" # -*-emacs-lisp-*-
|      (print (+ 2 2))                                                        

Maybe thats interesting for you. The full question is here:


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