Aloha all,

A document that exported nicely with the new LaTeX exporter on 9/18 now
fails with a more recent pull from git. I've included a portion of the
backtrace and the section of the org file that triggers the error.

Org-mode version 7.9.1 (release_7.9.1-299-g08c5ea @ 

Here is the (hopefully) relevant portion of the (really large) backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of 
  re-search-forward("^\\(?:\\*+ \\|\\[\\(?:[0-9]+\\|fn:[-_[:word:]]+\\)\\]\\|[  
        ]\\|$\\)\\)\\)" 67425 m)
  org-element-paragraph-parser(67425 (67425 :name 
  org-element--current-element(67425 nil nil nil)
  org-element--parse-elements(67149 67425 nil nil nil nil (section (:begin 
67149 :end 67425 :contents-begin 67149 :contents-end 67425 :post-blank 0)))
  org-element--parse-elements(67149 67425 section nil nil nil (headline 
(:raw-value "Standard Biblatex citation commands" :begin 67109 :end 67425 
:pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 67149 :contents-end 67425 :level 
2 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :scheduled nil 
:deadline nil :timestamp nil :clock nil :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil 
:archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :category "???" :title ("Standard 
Biblatex citation commands"))))

Here is the section of the org file that triggers the error:
** Standard Biblatex citation commands

#+name: define-standard-biblatex-commands
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :results silent :exports none


#+name: define-biblatex-cite-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "cite" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "cite:" desc)))
           (format "\\cite{%s}" path)
         (format "\\cite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

#+name: define-biblatex-cap-cite-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "Cite" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "Cite:" desc)))
           (format "\\Cite{%s}" path)
         (format "\\Cite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

#+name: define-biblatex-parencite-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "parencite" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "parencite:" desc)))
           (format "\\parencite{%s}" path)
         (format "\\parencite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

#+name: define-biblatex-cap-parencite-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "Parencite" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "Parencite:" desc)))
           (format "\\Parencite{%s}" path)
         (format "\\Parencite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

#+name: define-biblatex-footcite-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "footcite" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "footcite:" desc)))
           (format "\\footcite{%s}" path)
         (format "\\footcite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

#+name: define-biblatex-footcitetext-link
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none
   "footcitetext" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'html)
       (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "footcitetext:" desc)))
           (format "\\footcitetext{%s}" path)
         (format "\\footcitetext[%s][%s]{%s}"
                 (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                 (car (split-string desc ";"))  path))))))

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

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