Jambunathan K <kjambunathan <at> gmail.com> writes:
> So org-odt indirectly requires org-compat.

Even though it may have no bearing in this case: AFAICS it uses a macro from
org-compat directly, so it shouldn't rely on other files to pull in that
definition, it should require it directly.

> In OP's case, the org-compat
> is provided by older library that comes with Vanilla Emacs.

Unless I'm missing something, this is only possible if it gets loaded before the
load-path to the new Org is set up.  If so, a (require 'org-compat) would not
correct the situation, while a (load-library "org-compat") would.  I would like
to see the value of load-history on the OP's box after an

emacs -Q -L /path/to/org

if possible.


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