Bernt Hansen <bernt <at>> writes:
> >
> > Ho could I insert this additional "column" in the agenda view?
> I can't make it work in the block agenda but as a standalone agenda does
> this help?
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>             ("x" "test" tags-todo "PRIORITY=\"A\"" 
>              ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Critical")
>               (org-agenda-entry-types '(:deadline))
>               (org-columns-default-format "%10CATEGORY(Category) %60ITEM(Task)
%15DEADLINE(Deadline) %15SCHEDULED(Scheduled)")
>               (org-agenda-view-columns-initially t)
>               (org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote (time-up category-keep)))
>               (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'future)
>               (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'future)))
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> This starts the agenda in column mode and shows category, task,
> deadline, scheduled dates.
> 'q' exits column mode.
> In the block agenda if you turn on column mode with C-c C-x C-c you get
> the same information for all tasks in the agenda
> It's probably not exactly what you were looking for...
> Regards,
> Bernt

Hi Bernt,
thanks for your help - so if you can not make it work, I assume that it's not
possible yet? 
I tried your code - it does what it promises.. however, you're right, it's not
yet what I need:
I'd need Priority A and B in one view (table),
then sorted
* Prio A first
* Prio B second
lines sorted by date descending (newest first) .. would that be possible?

If I understand the problem right, I can get the deadline/scheduled information
in the agenda only with the "agenda" commmand, not with tags-todo or anything
else? This is a pity.
So theoretically, I'd have to use this agenda command and then tweak the sorting
function to arrange items by Prio first and then by date?
(That's what I tried already, based on your setup, but I was not able to make it
work yet..)

Kind regards


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