Hi Suvayu,

Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:

> Amidsts all the commotion about documentation for the new exporter, I
> committed a very early incomplete draft article documenting the new
> beamer exporter.
> <http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/worg.git/commit/?id=d7dfb6133bcea0127d0c386334a833e8ac64323e>

Thanks for this!

> But I see that it is not being published.  

I just published it:

> I got the following
> publishing error after pushing my commit.
> remote: Publishing file
> /home/emacs/git/worg/org-tutorials/org-beamer/org-e-beamer.org using
> `org-publish-org-to-html'
> remote: Exporting...
> remote: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
> remote: worg publish process 16964 exited at 02/05/13@07:01:27
> Any ideas?

2 problems, a trivial one and a let's-prepare-for-headache one:

1. `org-publish-org-to-html' does not exist in the new export/publish
    libraries -- Nicolas, would that be enough to have aliases here
    (from org-publish-org-to-html to org-html-publish-to-html)?  I
    guess many people rely on thse org-publish-org-to* functions.

2. Worg is published using the maint branch of org-mode.git.  Which
   means that neither the new exporter nor the new way of escaping Org
   syntax in src code blocks are available...

   My guess is that your file org-e-beamer.org uses the new syntax for
   src code blocks -- I had to use the org-mode.git *master* branch to
   publish it correctly.

   We will need to update each begin_src block in Worg in order to use
   a recent org-mode.git for publishing.

Here you go,


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