42 147 <aeus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > M-RET M-<right>
> Appreciate the reply, but that's worse than what I was doing. M-<right>
> is not anywhere close to my high frequency areas of finger activity
> I've changed all such keybindings.

In all three keyboards I use regularly, <right> is fairly close to <RET>
(and to the right Control key): I can reach it fairly easily with my
right pinky, same as with <RET> - it does require a bigger stretch for
the full-size keyboards than it does on the laptop keyboard - although
I'm a sufficiently bad typist that I often have to resort to looking at
the keyboard in such situations, in which case I use my right index
finger (for <RET> as well as <right> or other arrow key).

That's not too bad because it's not as if this is a frequent activity
for me. Org's standard keymaps also use arrow keys fairly heavily, so
changing all of them sounds like a lot of work: I've tried swimming
against such tides before, but invariably I have given up exhausted,
gone back to the standard keymap and lived a much happier life.

Of course, these things are *highly* personal preferences, and you might
have a lower tolerance for pain than I have, but I have to ask: where
exactly is your <right> key relative to <RET>? How far 

> I notice that C-M-RET is undefined. If anyone wants to add the
> functionality as described in my original post, and bind it to that key
> chord, I would be grateful; in the meantime, I'll create a macro /
> interactive defun to do the same.

If, despite my warnings, you still want to proceed, you can do something
like this (lightly tested) - add it to the end of your .emacs:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun my-org-control-meta-return ()
       "Assume we are in headline context: open a new headline one level
       below the current one."

(defun my-org-mode-hook ()
       (define-key org-mode-map (org-key [(control meta return)]) 

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (function my-org-mode-hook))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Although I use some org facilities above (org-key in particular), this
is a general process which you might want to add to your arsenal of
emacs techniques:

o Define a hook (a function of no arguments) and add it to the mode's
  hook. When the mode is loaded, it runs its mode hook as the last thing
  it does.

o The hook (re)defines a key in some keymap (org-mode-map above),
  binding a function of your choosing to the key. It can of course do
  other things as well (or in place of redefining keys).

o Finally, write the function that's to be bound to the key. This is
  absolutely at your discretion: make it do whatever you want it to do
  when you press that key.

Note however that org-meta-return checks the context that it is called
from and does the Right Thing (tm). my-org-control-meta-return just
assumes it's at a headline context and proceeds blindly, e.g. if you do
C-M-RET in a table, you'll probably mess up the table.  Making it
bullet-proof is left as an exercise for the interested reader.

Read more about hooks at

     (info "(emacs) Hooks")


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