Suvayu Ali <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 07:11:38PM -0500, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > [Warning: off-topic]
> > 
> > 42 147 <> wrote:
> > 
> > > My hands might be smaller than average, or, at least, smaller than yours.
> > > To reach <right> I must shift my entire arm to the right and
> > > downward. To reach <RET> no such movement is necessary. Maybe a slight
> > > turn of the wrist to the right.
> > > 
> > 
> > I doubt my hands are bigger than yours: I have to do exactly what you
> > describe (at least on the bigger keyboards). It's just not as big a deal
> > for me as it is for you.
> I do not see anyone mention pressing complicated key combinations with
> both hands.  I usually press control or meta keys with my left, and
> character or arrow keys with my right.  But maybe that is easier for me
> since I use a pointing device sparingly.

I hope everybody does that. I use both the left and right control keys depending
on where the "controlled" key is: C-whatever is always a two-hand operation for 
M-x is not however (they are close enough so that left thumb and index can do 
job): both right and left Alt keys are mapped to meta so there is no reason it 
be other than habit. But I probably should get out of the habit.

C-M-whatever is also a two handed operation except for C-M-x: left pinky, thumb 
and index
do the job, but again I should probably get out of that habit.


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