Viktor Rosenfeld <> writes:

> Hi,
> Eric S Fraga wrote:
>> My view would be to avoid having two files, an org one and a ledger
>> one, and instead combine them into an org file. 
> I'm using both org-mode and ledger but I do not mix them. I'm having a
> hard time imagining the benefits of such a system, especially since
> ledger's query functionality is so powerful. It seems to that this just
> adds lot's of unnecessary complexity. But I'm interested to hear what
> advantages you derive from the combined approach.
> Cheers,
> Viktor

Hi Viktor,

for me, the advantages from combining the two, using babel, is that I
can have all kinds of documentation associated with my finances in one
document including not just the transactions but also background
information (e.g. account information, expenses information).  The
advantages are those of literate programming in general.

Using org for this is easier than having to work with ledger
comments.  I can also then include, in the org file, the specific ledger
instantiations to get the kinds of reports I want and execute these with
C-c C-c.  So, for instance, I have ledger reports on the current
balances, the taxable income from any particular year, etc.

None of this is impossible with a ledger file instead of an org one, of
course, other than I can never remember all the various incantations
required by ledger to get the specific reports I want.  If I had a
separate set of ledger files, I would still end up having the various
incantations recorded somewhere, maybe as shell scripts or aliases.  I
find it easier to have everything in one place.

YMMV, of course!

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1199-g3a0e55

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