Viktor Rosenfeld <> writes:


> Going over you original reply, I was wondering how you add to blocks
> such as <<expenses-car>> which you reference in your report statement.

Hi Viktor,

I have named blocks which I subsequently edit using =C-c '= which brings
up the block in Ledger mode.  By having everything within org, I can use
headline structure and tags to organise all the different blocks and
find them easily and quickly.

I have a structure such as this:

#+begin_src org
* finances
** expenses
*** credit cards
*** utilities
** income
*** pay
*** consultancy
** funds
*** savings account
*** chequing account
*** shares
** summaries
*** current balance
*** income tax
**** 2011-2012

The only issue, and for me it's a very minor one, is that a double entry
ledger system naturally means that many (most?) entries could go into
two different headlines above.  E.g. expenses are likely to take money
from one bank account or another; pay will go into a bank account;
etc.  For me, the bank entries are mostly about recording interest
income and the movement of funds from one account to another.

> Also, do you use capture templates for your expenses and how do you
> reconcile your accounts without having a ledger file as your primary
> data file?

I don't use capture templates; I manually enter the information.  I did
use to use capture but found it too clumsy for my setup (or I was never
able to suss out how to define the right capture templates).  I don't
reconcile using ledger.  I do reconciliation manually by visual
inspection.  Reconciliation is not a big issue for me.  My main use of
ledger is simply to keep track of where my money is (or isn't, as the
case may be ;-).

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1199-g3a0e55

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