
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 09:38:38PM +0100, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


> Headlines are also possible, with a :location: property, which could be
> set to, e.g. "closing". See also:
>   http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-e-groff-documentation.html
> for a syntax based on headlines.
Here is a draft proposal for a user interface using Nicola's suggestion:

#+LATEX_CLASS: letter
#+LCO: strey_consult, DINmtext, sections
#+AUTHOR: Michael Strey
#+EMAIL: mst...@strey.biz
#+DATE: \today
#+TITLE: KomaScript Allows Title and Subject
#+SUBJECT: User interface of org-koma-letter.el
#+SPECIALMAIL: by registered mail
#+TO_ADDRESS: Name\\Street\\Postcode City
#+YOURREF: LT/21/20
#+YOURMAIL: 20.09.2012
#+MYREF: St/foo/bar
#+CUSTOMER: customer name
#+INVOICE: invoice no.
#+OPENING: Dear Org-Mode user,\\dear developers,
#+CLOSING: Regards,
#+AFTER_LETTER: here is code to go after \end{letter}, e.g. for pdfpages 

* About this document                                                   :BODY:
This is an example of a letter that contains all options allowed in
Koma-Script letters.  It shall illustrate the proposed user interface
of ox-koma-letter.el for further discussion.

I used properties for all information having a fixed place in the
letter layout and headlines with tags for those parts of the content of
of the letter that have to be typeset in a distinct order.

* Sectioning in Letters                                                 :BODY:
With the letter class option =sections.lco= KomaScript supports
sectioning in the body of a letter.  Advocates like this feature.

* Enclosures                                                            :ENCL:
a first attachment\\a second one

* Copies go to                                                            :CC:
Worg\\Org-Mode mailing list

* PS                                                                      :PS:
PS: Usually a postsriptum is a short trailer but for those who like
to write more, it should allow multiple paragraphs.

Here is one.

Michael Strey 

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