> Speaking of inlined elements, I repeat that [note:label] within the
> paragraph should offer a good markup for annotations.

I agree, and favor a move from annotation blocks to a solution like

[note:1] That is, like this?

One thing to consider is whether this markup should support author and
timestamp info in a way that the parser should understand and pass on to
relevant backends. The annotation blocks do[note:1], because ODT does.

[note:2] C.Moe <2013-03-28 Thu 21:34>: Except that they don't properly
  support it at the moment, as I brought up in another message.

One could even use the author/timestamp information to form unique
labels,[note:C.Moe_2013-03-28_21:37:26] but the labels would get long
and messy.

[note:C.Moe_2013-03-28_21:37:26] Like this. 


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