There's really very little documentation about how this works, could use a
pointer to an example or two, or even a bit of help.

Here's my goal:
Using a capture temple of file+function to do the following: (basically
enhancing file+datetree)
user enters a bit of information (ticket ID, description, etc) using normal
capture template stuff (prompt for tags or prompt{enter ticket ID}
the ticket number is used as a parameter to file+function to:
a) find the current date in the tree
b) find or create a subtree based on the ticket ID
c) add an entry below this subtree with the ticket ID as a tag, and the
description as the headline, plus possible links to the file where capture
was initiated etc.
d) 'clock in' to the task (:clock-in property works great)

I have all of this working fine using file+datetree EXCEPT the subtree
create or add

1) are the values gathered by capture available to the function specified
for file+function, & if so what are their names?
2) what is the general template for a function for use with file+function,
cleanup, return values, etc that would be expected?
3) would it be better to extend datetree to datetree+headline for entries
of this type? it seems like it a pretty usefully functionality to have (I
can think of 2 or 3 instances i'd regularly use this just off the top of my
Thanks, all!

Subhan Michael Tindall | Software Developer

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