> Of these I would guess that the following 7 should be updated to use the
> org-babel-result-cond macro.
>   scheme ruby ocaml matlab js haskell asymptote
> I don't know if we want to try to make these changes before the 8.0
> release.  I personally could update and test js, scheme, ocaml and
> haskell this weekend.

The attached tarball patches these four languages to use the
org-babel-result-cond macro.  I've tested them all and they seem to
work.  Any reason not to apply these changes?

Attachment: patches.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

> I do not have ruby, matlab or asymptote installed on my laptop.
> Thanks,
>> Regards,
>> Achim.

Eric Schulte

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