* Rainer M. Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:
> There is, imho, one big difference between using google reader and gwene
> with any desktop news reader: as far as I know, you can not sync read
> items between ydifferent readers (desktops, mobile devices, tablets,
> ...). This is for me a problem, as I mainly read from my iPad, and
> sometimes friom my desktop. 

Besides the fact that I am using my Android phone and my Android
tablet in addition to my desktop, I totally copy your point.

> But I want to see only the news which I did not read on the other
> device. So something like an imap implementation for gwene would
> be needed to make it a *very* interesting solution for me. 


However, for me it is necessary to implement per-feed settings for
grabbing the article content. Some feeds do offer only a short
description of the content but I want to get the whole article
without indirection over mobile browsers or such.

> As it stands at the moment, I registered with feedly [1] which
> syncs with google reader (while it still exists) and provides very
> similar benefits.

Yes. BUT: feedly does not offer offline support. Thus, when I am on
an airplane or without data connection, I am not able to read my RSS
feeds. Not acceptable to me.

> If I could sync my gnus (it is really not that difficult to get started,
> but much more difficult to not get carried away with configuring and
> tweaking - just because one can... But I love gnus: highly recommended)
> with my mobile device, I will stick with feedly.

I tested Emacs on my Android tablet and no, I definitely do *not*
want to use my beloved Emacs on this very limited device

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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