* Rainer M. Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:
> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> * Rainer M. Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:
>>> But I want to see only the news which I did not read on the other
>>> device. So something like an imap implementation for gwene would
>>> be needed to make it a *very* interesting solution for me. 
>> Ack.
> Ack?

Sorry for using an abbr. that is not as widespread as I thought.

Ack = Acknowledge. Here I used it in short for „I agree“.

>> Yes. BUT: feedly does not offer offline support. Thus, when I am on
>> an airplane or without data connection, I am not able to read my RSS
>> feeds. Not acceptable to me.
> This is most definitely a huge problem - I agree. But if I remember
> correctly, they are working on it. The only additional thing which is
> missing is being able to sync from the other reader apps which have
> offline support with feedly.

Most important features to me.

>> I tested Emacs on my Android tablet and no, I definitely do *not*
>> want to use my beloved Emacs on this very limited device
>> (shortcuts/keyboard).
> I can imagine - a regular emacs on an android touch tablet without an
> additional keyboard...

I also tested a FreedomPro bluetooth keyboard with my XOOM tablet.
Unfortunately, no Ctrl/ESC/Alt is working. So Android/Emacs is not
usable without the Hacker's keyboard which is an on-screen keyboard
that offers all those modifier keys. When the on-screen keyboard
uses half of the tablet screen, it is no fun using Emacs at all.

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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