Paul Stansell <> writes:

> I may be under a misapprehension, but I expected the pdf output
> (created by C-c C-e l p) from the attached org file to show similar
> results for both lines.  Instead, however, the simple
>   x^2


    =x^2=  or ~x^2~


> outside of the verbatim environment puts the caret above the 2 even
> though I have set
>   #+OPTIONS: ^:nil
> This seems to be because org-mode exports x^2 as x\^2 in the tex file.
>  I think exporting it as x\^{}2 would give a better result.  Is there
> another way to get the appearance I'm looking for without using the
> verbatim environment?
> Thanks for your advice,
> Paul
> PS. I'm using Emacs 24.2.1 with Org mode 8.0.2.
> #+OPTIONS: ^:nil toc:nil
> x^2
> \begin{verbatim}
> x^2
> \end{verbatim}


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