Hi everyone,

Just for completeness

Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:


> Possibilities:
> 1. We could change the parser to ignore lists where the first
>    item does not start with `1.' or `a)'.  But this would
>    be a pretty serious change.
> 2. We could implement a good function that could find problematic
>    cases, so that they can be fixed by hand.  This is basically
>    what Nick proposed - only it would be implemented in Lisp.
> 3. We could implement a function that finds and fixes such issues.
>    It would basically scan the buffer and find lists that have
>    only a single item, not starting with 1, and change the wrapping
>    to fix it.

4. Define that lists alway have to have a newline in front of them.

5. Define that lists always have to be indented.

My favourite would be 4.

Michael Strey

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