Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> One thing that I couldn't figure out is how to get rid of the width
>> specification altogether. 
> It's a feature.  We had a lengthy discussion about it a while ago
> (myself, Nicholas and Aaron, I believe) 

Count me confused again: what's the feature? I'll go looking for the
discussion I guess.

> You can turn it permanently off by issuing
>     (setq org-latex-image-default-width nil)
> I tested the code in my "own" Emacs and not emacs -q.  To get no width
> I do
> #+NAME: name
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :placement [htb!] :options scale=1.5  :width ""
> #+CAPTION: a float needs a caption
> [[file:signature.pdf]]

OK, I just did an update, did emacs -q with a minimal .emacs and the
ATTR_LATEX line above works. Presumably it would also work with my
previous org-version, but I was trying things in a different order:
if I rearrange the line to

 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width "" :placement [htb!] :options scale=1.5  

I get the "Wrong argument type" error in the current version as well. So
I guess :width has to be after the :options ?!? I don't quite understand the
rules I guess.

Org-mode version 8.0.3 (release_8.0.3-193-g334581 @ 

>> I also tried 
>>   :width ""
>> which fails with a
> This should work, though, also given the earlier discussion.  At least
> it does for me using the version above and emacs -q.  

Very helpful: thanks for the elucidation!

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