Nick Dokos <> writes:

>>> One thing that I couldn't figure out is how to get rid of the width
>>> specification altogether. 
>> It's a feature.  We had a lengthy discussion about it a while ago
>> (myself, Nicholas and Aaron, I believe) 
> Count me confused again: what's the feature? I'll go looking for the
> discussion I guess.

including .9\textwidth when you least expect it is a feature.

See this thread

> if I rearrange the line to
>  #+ATTR_LATEX: :width "" :placement [htb!] :options scale=1.5  
> I get the "Wrong argument type" error in the current version as
> well. 

I can reproduce this here.

> I guess :width has to be after the :options ?!? I don't quite
> understand the rules I guess.

Neither do I in this case.  I'm guessing it has do with the "escaping"
of "" 'cause it also fails if you :placement behind width.  


   #+ATTR_LATEX:  :options scale=1.5    :width "" :placement [htb!]
it fails here
   (attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex parent))
which evalues to something like

    Result: (:options "scale=1.5" :placement "[htb!]" :width "")

when it doesn't crash.

Perhaps, I'll have time to look at it later, but probably Nicolas is
the right guy for the job.

> Very helpful: thanks for the elucidation!

Thanks you to you too!


Enough with the bla bla!

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