Michael Brand <michael.ch.br...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Eric
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've just pushed up a commit which should fix this problem.  The
>> org-babel-current-exec-src-block-head variable wasn't bound during
>> export.
> Confirmed, thanks. In the attached marker_offset.org the evaluation of
> the variable todo-state-var during export did not work before, now it
> does.
> What I do not understand is the behavior of the evaluation of the
> other variable marker-var. During "C-c C-c" it is like expected with
> point >= 305 which means within entry "* s". But during export it is
> far before 305 which confuses me. How can "DONE" instead of nil from
> the previous entry be assigned to todo-state-var this way and is this
> "displacement" to be accepted?

Export buffers are sometimes modified or narrowed during the export
process, so I wouldn't depend too much on the absolute values of markers
generated during export.  As long as the heading in which the marker
lives seems to be correct I'd count it as a success.

> For me it is enough for now if the marker is just anywhere within the
> current entry. I do not (yet?) have a use case where I need the marker
> to be at an individual source block and therefore different when
> calling a function twice in the same entry as in marker_offset.org
> with calls "(a)" and "(b)".

Great.  If such a need arises, you could try setting the variable in the
src_call line, rather than relying on the value set in the main code


BTW: I notice your Org file attached as application/vnd.lotus-organizer
(the default for .org in Emacs mime types).  I had this issue as well,
and I now use the following so that Org-mode files attach as org.

    ;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
    (setf mailcap-mime-extensions
          (cons '(".org" . "text/x-org") mailcap-mime-extensions))

> Michael

Eric Schulte

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